Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A better day all round

Well today Daddy gave us all a hand. He helped me and the kids tidy up this morning and then took R up to his room to work on math. The mail came and there was a package for R from my sis, a new video game-skateboarding! Well talk about lighting a fire, that boy broke a personal math speed record, lol.
We then did spelling, again quickly and easily. We started Foundational Grammar today, it went very well, especially the part where we played I Spy! We had been doing the dictation/grammar worksheets from Sonlight last year, but the grade six grammar exercises were way above my head, never mind B's. So I thought we would start at the beginning, nouns. We will all learn it together, just like the Rosetta Stone French. I can't wait to start that! We need to set up our computer in a more convenient spot though, and buy another.
My mom is off to Europe this week, I think she landed in Paris last night. I decided that we should do a little project about the places she goes, so I printed off some maps today. I thought we could follow her itinerary, plot it and research her stops. A nice way for them to connect with Nana and learn something at the same time. It is also a perfect opportunity to practice that report writing that always seem to get pushed to the back burner.

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