Sunday, August 26, 2007

try this again

New year, old blog-maybe it will get used this year. The plan for this year is to buy each boy a laptop and Switched-on schoolhouse. The grade 5 and 8 curriculum both centre on American history, so I will be supplementing them with Canadian History, geography and government. All their readers will be either Canadian or American historical fiction or biographies. I have the apologia jr high science program dvd-rom, so we could use that instead of the SOS science, regardless, we will begin with the science dvd on monday as well as resume our Rosetta stone, basic grammar, and do a series on report writing.
This year I want them to learn to work independently, take pride in their work, and become above competent writers. I would love for them to learn to love math.:) I want them to take personal responsibility in their schoolwork and chores. I want to nurture their love of learning! rather than squelch it with yelling and busywork.